The Board of Directors of the Redwood Chapter, ACLU will meet Tuesday, February 16th at 12:00 p.m. at the ACLU office at 917 Third Street, Suite Q (between J & K Streets) in Eureka.
The agenda will include seating the Redwood ACLU Boardmembers elected at the Annual Meeting last month; electing Redwood ACLU officers for the new year; an update on the draft medical marijuana ordinances in Eureka and Humboldt County; review of the proposed Arcata laws to severely restrict campaign contributions and institute anti-panhandling regulations; updates on election reform efforts; discuss revisions to next year's nominating process for the Patriot Award; reports from Chapter officers and committees; and consideration of other items which Boardmembers or at-large members may bring up.
Board meetings are open to all ACLU members in good standing. Please call 442-4419 or drop by our office for more information or to request the inclusion of a new item on the meeting agenda.